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Plant experiments for kids

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Sorry to say, we receive emails from kids and parents with many weird concepts for plant experiments for kids, e.g. what makes plants grow better, Coca-Cola, Pepsi-Cola, Sprite, Mandarin Orange or Fago Rock 'n Rye?

What?  Such an idea has nothing to do with NATURE.  Plants = Nature.  Kids need to conduct real-world experiments that will actually teach a lesson

5 plant experiment ideas intended for young children

  1. Do plants grow better in different light?
  2. How do plants grow with different water?
  3. How do plants grow with different food?
  4. Can plants grow better by talking to them?
  5. How do plants grow in different soils?

(1)  Do plants grow better in different light?

Use 5 small pots the same size. Make sure they have drainage holes at the bottom. Styrofoam or waxed paper cups are OK. Fill with soil. Moisten the soil and let excess water drain.

Sprinkle 8-10 ordinary radish seeds on the soil. Now sprinkle about 1/4 inch of soil over the seeds and water again, but very lightly. Water very lightly every day.

The day the radish seeds sprout, place each pot in a different location, e.g.

  1. Kitchen window that has some sun
  2. Outdoors in the shade
  3. Outdoors in the sun
  4. In a well lighted room but no sun
  5. In a room that is not well lighted

Show your child how to use a ruler. Have the child measure the radish plants once a week and write down sizes in different pot locations. Radishes typically mature in 35-45 days. Review with your child what they see as the conclusions to the experiment.

(2)  How do plants grow with different water?

Use 4 small pots the same size. Make sure they have drainage holes at the bottom. Styrofoam or waxed paper cups are OK. Fill with soil. Moisten the soil and let excess water drain.

Sprinkle 8-10 ordinary radish seeds on the soil. Now sprinkle about 1/4 inch of soil over the seeds and water again, but very lightly. Water very lightly every day with ordinary tap water.

After the radishes sprout from the soil, place all the pots together, preferably outdoors in a sunny location.

Label each pot with a name or number. Water lightly every day, each with different water:

  1. water from your kitchen tap
  2. rain water (from roof collected in a bucket)
  3. spring water (from the store)
  4. pond, creek, lake, canal or river water

Radishes typically mature in 35-45 days. Review with your child what they see as the conclusions to the experiment. You may also taste the radishes and comment.  If significant, photos may help tell part of the story.

(3)  How do plants grow with different food?

Use 4 small pots the same size. Make sure they have drainage holes at the bottom. Styrofoam or waxed paper cups are OK. Fill with soil. Moisten the soil and let excess water drain.

Sprinkle 8-10 ordinary radish seeds on the soil. Now sprinkle about 1/4 inch of soil over the seeds and water again, but very lightly. Water very lightly every day with ordinary tap water.

After the radishes sprout from the soil, place all the pots together, preferably outdoors in a sunny location.

Label each pot with a name or number. Water lightly every day.  Plan on (lightly) fertilizing one week after sprouting and again about 30 days from when seeds sprouted. Use a different fertilizer on each radish pot:

  1. no added food, just garden soil
  2. a liquid (chemical) fertilizer
  3. a dry (chemical) fertilizer
  4. Fish emulsion (organic) fertilizer

Radishes typically mature in 35-45 days. Review with your child what they see as the conclusions to the experiment. They may note differences in plant size, leaf color, and taste.  If significant, photos may help tell part of the story.

(4)  Can plants grow better by talking to them?

Use 4 small pots the same size. Make sure they have drainage holes at the bottom. Styrofoam or waxed paper cups are OK. Fill with soil. Moisten the soil and let excess water drain.

Sprinkle 8-10 ordinary radish seeds on the soil. Now sprinkle about 1/4 inch of soil over the seeds and water again, but very lightly. Water very lightly every day with ordinary tap water.

After the radishes sprout from the soil, place all the pots together, preferably outdoors in a sunny location.

Label each pot with a name or number. Water lightly every day.  Have your child treat each pot differently in this way:

  1. ignore one pot of plants. Never pick it up or give it any attention whatsoever.
  2. have your child say hello, smile and say a few nice words every day, about 15 seconds in duration
  3. same as #2 above, but spend about 1 minute speaking softly and nicely, talking words of affection, gently touching leaves
  4. make #4 the favorite plant. Have your child fawn over the plant in words and gestures. Be sure that your child gently strokes the leaves and speaks with much affection.  Be certain the plant is told how wonderful and beautiful and loved it is. Spend as much time per session as your child enjoys, but at least 2 minutes per session.

Radishes typically mature in 35-45 days. Review with your child what they see as the conclusions to the experiment. They may note differences in plant size, leaf color, and taste.  If significant, photos may help tell part of the story.

(5)  How do plants grow in different soils?

Use 5 small pots the same size. Make sure they have drainage holes at the bottom. Styrofoam or waxed paper cups are OK.

Fill each pot with a different soil:

  1. soil from your land
  2. plain sand
  3. rough soil with stones and debris, from a construction site or similar place
  4. potting soil from your garden center
  5. fresh, rich organic soil from the woods with little twigs, decomposed leaves, worms, etc

Sprinkle 8-10 ordinary radish seeds on the soil. Now sprinkle about 1/4 inch of soil over the seeds and water again, but very lightly. Water very lightly every day with ordinary tap water.

After the radishes sprout from the soil, place all the pots together, preferably outdoors in a sunny location. (Note: part of the experiment may be to note how many days it took to sprout in each soil)

Label each pot with a name or number. Water lightly every day.

Show your child how to use a ruler. Have the child measure the radish plants once a week and write down sizes in different pot locations. Radishes typically mature in 35-45 days. Review with your child what they see as the conclusions to the experiment.

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