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Pride of Burma

Amherstia nobilis

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Warm Zone 10 or warmer

Known to many as Queen of Flowering Trees is the stunning and extravagant Amherstia nobilis

Flowers of this ultra rare and spectacular true tropical tree are arranged in a magnificent and graceful branching technique falling as large as 3 feet in length

Very rare in the wild (Burma) and hence ultra rare to find for sale if you can, buy a Amherstia nobilis tree for your warm zone 10 garden'll have likely the most exclusive flowering tree for 10,000 miles around

Evergreen and rated to about 35 feet, Amherstia nobilis would make an excellent shade tree as well.  Pride of Burma is slow growing

Blooming of Amherstia nobilis is in late winter to spring, but happy mature trees may bloom on and off year around

Plant in full sun with wind shelter